Ensuring You Are Comfortable At Each Step

1. Discovery / Insight

Once we are engaged, our straightforward approach comes into action. We aim to develop insight and obtain a deep understanding for your needs and those of your customers.

Our multi-disciplinary team members (Website, graphics, marketing, engineers, social media strategists) immerse themselves in your world and becomes an expert in your objectives, motivations, interests, likes and dislikes.

We have you complete a super simple questionnaire which will help us gather your existing ideas, content, and more. This will help us to begin the project the right way with confidence.

2. Plan / Vision

Your project has numerous goals, with various degrees of priority. Our team will work with you to understand your most important challenges and help you create a plan of action.

In an easy-to-understand manner, we present our shared vision and strategy with clear milestones and deliverables.

During this planning phase, we will determine what technologies should be implemented. Elements such as interactive forms, ecommerce, videos, various codes and third party tools, etc. are chosen.

3. Define / Strategy

Together, we identify and present what is best about your brand. No matter the type of project we do, we bring your organization and offerings to life.

We bring our vast expertise in usability and functionality to craft exciting and memorable user experiences.

We meet internally to discuss your goals, position in market, competitors, and target audience. We discuss the tone, look and feel, and style guidelines for the site as well.

We combine the best of our vast experience with your user and stakeholder research to create effective strategy and expectations.

4. Invent / Create / Engage

We endeavor to create a powerful experience that resonates with your audience from the first moment they encounter your brand throughout their entire journey.

We will create your designs and develop them in-house. This is typically a .jpg image of what the final design will look like and often the home page and secondary page will be coded for you to browse as well.

The developmental stage is where the Website is engineered and programmed. We will take all of the individual graphic elements from the prototype and use them to create the physical functional site. This is typically done by first developing the home page, followed by a “shell” for the interior pages. Once the main home page and secondary page are made, we will take your text, images and files and populate the site, in the appropriate areas.

5. Training and Launch

We spend time together in a fun, easy and invaluable training session that often lasts less than 45 minutes.

Our quality assurance team works with you to ensure an effective launch. We will make any last minute updates as needed.

Our intention is for you to have a long-term business tool, which you can administer and make use of to its full potential for years and years to come.

6. Nurture and Grow

WorldZOO's commitment does not end with the completion of your project.

Our goal is for you to feel comfortable with your product, and even more so in relying on us for ongoing support and consultation.

We can guide your growth, by continuously evaluating the effectiveness of our ideas and building on their successes.

There is a good reason we have been around for over 17 years. We work hard to ensure our client's ongoing success for years to come.

I flew in from Denmark to meet with WorldZOO with 2 pages of questions. They made a huge difference with our US Website & App. President / Pharmaceutical Company