Private Label Social Networking Software & Community

WorldZOO's partnered online community and private label social networking platform is the leader in privately-labeled social networking and online community solutions with more than 150 companies and organizations using this solution. With a suite of features which includes personal profile pages, people-matching, blogs, chat, polling, rss, widgets, discussion groups, file sharing, targeted advertising, and robust customer and community analytics, the community platform empowers companies to create online communities where people can meet, build relationships, contribute and connect.

This system is an online subscription and set up, deployment and start up costs are handled per month based on numbers of users. Here are just a few clients using this system.

Our entire worldwide salesforce uses in-house social networking tool WorldZOO integrated for us. We would recommend it to any medium to large organization looking for an efficient in-house social tool. CTO / Top 3 International Consumer Foods Manufacturer

Here is an Overview of the Online Community & Social Networking Software Features which you can turn on or keep off. Everything is included and there are no extra features which cost more.

Online Community & Social Networking Solutions

Community Wiki

A wiki allows community members to create, collaborate, and share knowledge simply by creating a set of "living documents" to which each community member may contribute.

Moderation Scanner

The moderation scanner enables community administrators to rapidly scan all user-contributed information in their community and identify inappropriate content.

Personal User Profiles

Every member of this community is given a personalized page with which they can provide profile information, their photo, a personal description, and their interests. Each member is also given a personal portfolio where they may upload images, documents, videos, or any other type of information.

Visual Targeted Matchmaking

The system suggests relevant matches for each individual via both the web and email (based on both profile and intentions). People can also search for people interactively, through the innovative graphical people map, or by specific searches. The matching takes into account mutual interests, relevant areas of expertise, and common profile attributes.

Community Chat

Community members may connect with one another in real-time, through the Community Chat feature. The integrated chat system requires no downloads or plug-ins of any kind. Community administrators may easily create new chat rooms, as well as track the activity of their community chats to see which topics are most interesting to their community.

Integrated Opinion Polls

Community administrators may solicit and understand the opinions and ideas of their community members by creating and delivering opinion polls. Multiple polls may be activated at any time, and all data is summarized in real-time. At the community owner's discretion, the results of polls may be shared with the community at-large.

Private Messaging

Each community member can communicate privately and directly with any other member of the community.


Blogs provide community members with a personal information-sharing space, in which they may post ideas and opinions to a personal online journal. Other community members may provide comments upon each blog post, providing community members with a space to create an open dialog.

QuickConnect Cards

By copying and pasting a snippet of code into a signature file, a blog, or any other external-facing digital medium, a community member can display a dynamic profile “card” which invites others to join the community. This feature empowers your users to help you drive awareness and adoption of your community.

Multimedia File Sharing

Every user in the system has the ability to post content of any format (video, music, documents, etc.) to their personal profile page or post files to any group of which they are a part. All files may be rated and commented upon by the community.

Customized Notifications

Members can choose to be notified by email when matching people join the system. Members can also receive email or subscribe to RSS feeds for any group discussion.

Integrated Keyword Search

The platform supports keyword searching across content (files names and descriptions) and people in the system. Through one common search, members may find all of the following—relevant people, groups, forum posts, documents, media files, and meetings.


As people navigate through the community, the system indicates when another community member is online at that time.

Discussion Forums

The community platform includes a complete discussion forum system which allows users to post, reply, search, and rate messages. In addition, all discussions may be subscribed to via email or RSS.

Groups Functionality

Administrators or users can set up groups around which people can post files, engage in discussions and set up group meetings.

Integrated Calendar Management

All members of a community are given a personal calendar with which they can schedule meetings with other community members. Each member may print their meeting agenda, or export their meetings to Outlook at any time.

File and Discussion Rating System

All community members may utilize the integrated rating and comment system, which enables members to provide feedback on discussion posts and files.

Integrated Invitation Management

All community administrators may easily send invitations to their community by uploading a file listing the intended recipients. Administrators may optionally include additional information about each individual so that their profiles may be pre-populated when they join the community.

User Roles Management

Administrators can customize each role they wish to display within the system. Configurable rights provide fine-tuning so that group participation, meeting scheduling, and other communication activities may be defined by role.

Targeted Sponsorship / Advertising engine

Administrators may create ad units that are featured throughout the site and can include any message (combination of image, text and link). These ad units may be used to feature anything from advertiser content, sponsor messaging, cross-selling messages, or featured groups within the community. Advertising units can be broadcast throughout the site for all users to see, or they may be displayed to only subsets of the community based upon keywords within a members’ profile.

Community Email Marketing

Administrators can send email communications to the community – either to members within the community or to those who have not yet registered. All messaging may be tailored by the administrator.

Community Activity Reporting

Reporting includes an aggregated overview of most profile questions, as configured by the client (including the delta between profile and interests.) Reports provide information on customer demographics, activity, and help identify areas of need within a community. Information may be exported, or interactive search tools may be used to enable exploration and insight.

Open API and Widget Toolkit

WorldZOO is committed to open standards so that customers may refine, extend, and integrate their community as they see fit. Through an integrated suite of web service APIs, RSS feeds, and an innovative widget toolkit, customers can engage and captivate their customer base like never before.