mobile-responsive Website Design & Mobile Web Development

Can you take your existing Website and transform it into a Mobile optimized smartphone specific Website that looks perfect on all 5200 smartphones worldwide? Yes. We can take care of that for you.

Responsive Web Design addresses the ever-changing landscape of mobile devices, Web browsers, monitor screen sizes and orientations by creating flexible, fluid and adaptive Web sites. Instead of worrying about modern needs for a desktop Web version, along with a mobile version, the idea is to make life easy for yourself and have one Website that works on desktops and every single mobile device in the world. In plain language, It’s not a single piece of technology, but rather, a set of techniques and ideas that form a whole. What is responsive design exactly? What problem does responsive web design solve? Computers aren’t the only piece of hardware with a web browser anymore. The iPhone was one of the first mobile devices to feature a really great web browser, and it put the spotlight on upgrading the experience of the mobile web. Many other devices followed suit and the user experience of the mobile web improved.

The changing trends of web browsers meant that user expectations also changed; users expected to be able to browse the web on their phones just as easily as they browse the web on a desktop computer. In response to this the web design community started creating mobile versions of their websites. In hindsight, this wasn’t really the way forward, but at the time it seemed like a reasonable idea. Every website would have their normal ‘desktop’ version of their site, and as a bonus, a ‘mobile’ version. Technology keeps changing, so not long after the smartphone hardware market had been revolutionized, other form factors surged in popularity. In addition to phones and personal computers, devices like touchscreen tablets and small notebook computers started appearing everywhere.

There are 3 important technical features are part of responsive Web design:

    1. Media queries & media query listeners

    2. Flexible grid-based layout using relative size

    3. Flexible images & media, via CSS dynamic resizing

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Our responsive mobile Websites adapt to your user's device yet you only need to maintain one Website. Mobile users will be viewing your site on a small screen and expect to still get the information they seek quickly with beautiful little design. Taking the user’s needs into account doesn’t just mean adapting your content to the screen size. It also means thinking about what that mobile user will require first when visiting your site and then laying out the content accordingly. Maybe you’ll present the information in a different order. Don’t assume the user won’t need access to all the site information because she’s on a mobile device. You might need to change the fonts or interaction areas to respond better to a touch environment. All these factors influence responsive Web design.

While mobile devices are changing the display landscape, with the appearance of more and more small screens, don’t forget what’s happening at the other end of the spectrum. Displays are also getting larger and larger.