Facebook, Twitter & Yelp Social Media Strategies

Are You Just "On" Social Media Sites... Or Making the Most of Them?

For a business owner or Internet marketer, few things are as exciting as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. But getting involved with them and setting up a profile is one thing; using them as highly effective online marketing tools that bring you new customers week in and week out is another.

So what's the difference? Your creativity in reaching new potential customers.

If you look like "just another business" on your social media profiles, and especially a business Facebook fan page, then potential buyers are going to treat you like just another distraction and click away. There's no room on the Internet anymore for businesses – small or large – that aren’t willing to earn their customers' attention, especially not when another tweet, a band Facebook fan page, or one of your competitors is just a click away.

The first step to using social media sites as reliable marketing tools, after you have set up a Facebook organization profile, a Twitter account for your company, and Yelp business profile, is launching your own custom Facebook , Yelp, and Twitter pages. They don't just need to stand out, but also reflect what your business is all about, and show customers in an instant why they should hear what you have to say rather than clicking elsewhere. That's something you just can't do with a template or a generic setting.

Quick social media marketing facts:

More than 1.5 billion people are on Facebook worldwide

More than 332 million users and 500 million tweets are sent every day

how many tweets sent daily

Social media sites now generate almost as many purchases as the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing

The business is out there... are you standing out enough to win it?

What are some of the elements of an effective Facebook fan page, Twitter profile, or Yelp profile? Here are a few things you should look for:

Something that's visually interesting. If you want to gain friends or fans for your business, then realize that first impressions are very important. If your profile doesn't look like it's going to be a little bit of fun, or at least help your customers to learn something they didn't already know, then you are going to have a very hard time holding someone's attention. The point of your company's Facebook profile is to turn visitors into potential customers, not send them looking for something more interesting.

Having more tags for different kinds of content means that search engines will have an easier time helping users find both the subjects and media types they are looking for. If that sounds like it is going to make SEO more complicated, you are looking at it the wrong way. In the long run, tools that HTML 5 developers can use will make it easier for the customers that were looking for companies like yours to find you. With better content recognition, your targeted articles, headlines, images, and videos will be easier than ever to find.

Your message in five seconds or less. Believe it or not, that's about as long as you're going to get to impress buyers who aren't already familiar with your business. They may come to you on your business Facebook fan page for a variety of reasons – you might have been recommended by a friend, showed up on an ad, or rank highly for a keyword in their area – but if you can't explain what you do and why it matters in the blink of an eye, then the opportunity is going to be wasted before you ever even had a chance.

A strong following or contact list. It's no secret that on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp, you stand a lot better chance of people liking and following you if their friends and colleagues are already. That makes a good custom Facebook business profile or custom Twitter page that much more important, since the right tone and feel can easily help you grow your contacts in a hurry, while the wrong one can leave you with no friends, no fans, no followers, and no new clients from your social media marketing plan.

Although HTML 5 is still undergoing some growth, it is here and working right now. In other words, you do not have to wait to take advantage of the best HTML 5 web designers and enjoy these great benefits for your small business website.

WorldZOO created a terrific social media campaign for us. We added $2 million in event bookings via Facebook and Twitter. VP / Medical Conference Event Management Firm

How can WorldZOO help you turn social media contacts into customers?

Getting it right on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp requires a little bit of marketing knowhow and a whole lot of creativity. By thinking about your business, your perfect customer, and your competitors, we can help you devise a custom look and feel that doesn't just tell people about you, but sets you apart from all the other businesses in your area and industry. That's because social networking sites aren't just about out-thinking your competitors, but creating a two-way conversation that engages them, teaches them about your company, and creates more brand awareness.

If you aren't finding customers through your Facebook organization page and Twitter business profile, then you can bet that you are losing out to other competitors who are. It's not enough just to sign up anymore – you need custom Facebook fan pages, and custom Twitter profiles, if you're going to make a dent in the market through social media.

We work with small to medium size businesses and individuals seeking to get a better grasp on social technologies, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Yelp. We create a customized customer experiences across social web to improve marketing, customer service and sales by building clever insightful social strategy campaigns.

We are experts at knowing how to get started, build, and run an online social media campaign with focus on your target audiences. We get engagement, increase sharebility across the social web, generate traffic to your website, increase customers, create loyalty, and ultimately sell products.

We build your online community while deepening customer knowledge about your business. Our team strategizes best action plan tailored for your business, we also help you implement it with key social media tools, budget and target goals for visible results that translate into positive awareness, purchase and advocacy.

Search Media Strategy Benefits:

  • Create open up-to-date communication channel with your audience to better understand customers needs.
  • Build infrastructure to react promptly and courteously.

Gain more visibility and Increase traffic to your website through:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMO (Social Media Optimization).
  • Learn tools to instantly promote and launch new products, specials, last minute and web only deals.
  • Stay connected with your customers 24 hours a day and have the tools to spread your message around the globe.

Contact WorldZOO today to schedule a free consultation and find out how much better your company can look on Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp, and how much better social media marketing can be for your bottom line.