Explainer Videos, Video Production, Corporate Videos & Video Demos

Corporate videos, marketing video, Web videos and viral videos all created with your exact needs!

WorldZOO's partnered range of web-video services include pre-production, production and post production requirements to ensure continuity and high quality results. Our professional video production team helps guide you from concept and scriptwriting to shooting, editing and duplication. Our full service production services are ideal for websites, demos, tutorials, email campaigns, CD/DVDs, kiosk presentations, television broadcast and more.

We love our explainer video. Our sales team uses our explainer video to educate customers before each meeting. CMO / HR Software Maker

We provide the services you need to deploy a powerful broadband video strategy, including:

  • Marketing Videos
  • Training Videos
  • Event Videos
  • Television Commercials
  • Orientation Fundraising Video
  • News Releases
  • Music Videos
  • Full-service broadband video encoding, management and delivery
  • In-depth performance reporting
  • Broadband video application design and development
  • Rich media advertising services and opportunities
  • Subscription and registration tools
  • Placing videos on your Website
  • Marketing Videos
  • Interior studio space with HD 24p cameras
  • 10 offline edit bays
  • Uncompressed finishing to Digital Betacam
  • 3D animation and title design
  • ADR and VO acquisition
  • 128-track Pro Tools mixing stage

Contact WorldZOO today to schedule a free consultation and find out how much better your company can look with professional videos, and how much better video production marketing can be for your bottom line.